Eclipse Luna Download For Mac

  1. Eclipse Ide Download
  2. Eclipse Accessibility Tools Framework

Eclipse GlassFish provides a complete application server which serves as a compatible implementation for the Jakarta EE specification. Eclipse Jetty provides a web server and javax.servlet container. Eclipse Jetty provides a web server and javax.servlet container. Eclipse Equinox is an implementation of the OSGi core framework specification. Eclipse Luna free download - Eclipse Classic (64 bit), Luna Eclipse, EclipseCrossword, and many more programs. This article explains how to install Eclipse Luna on Windows 10. Eclipse is unique to most IDE’s in that it doesn’t have an installer. Click here to download an easy-to-follow PDF version of this post. Download and Install Eclipse. First, go to and click Download. Assuming you are using a 64 Bit version of Windows, choose.

A fork of this plugin has been donated and merged in the main Eclipse platform repository. Starting from Eclipse Luna, you'll find it preinstalled as the new default dark theme of Eclipse!
You can use this repository to get the latest development version.


  • Eclipse 4.2+


  • Eclipse Marketplace:
    ← Drag this button to your Eclipse workbench to install;
  • Update site:

    Or download this plugin by using Help > Install New Software... and add the update site:

  • Manual:

    Or download moonrise_0.8.9.jar package and put it into your Eclipse dropinsplugins folder;

  • Restart Eclipse and go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance;

  • Select MoonRise (standalone) or, for a little better tabs decoration, install Eclipse 4 Chrome Theme from marketplace or from here and select MoonRise;

  • Rest your eyes ;)

Syntax highlighting scheme:

You can find the one used in the screenshot here:

  • RainbowDrops.epf (most accurate and with wider support for plugins, download and import it with Eclipse built-in Preferences import: File > Import... then select General > Preferences);

  • or RainbowDrops.xml (download and import it with Eclipse Color Theme Plugin);

  • or here;


There are some settings that can be changed only from the Eclipse Preferences window and that override the theme's settings by default:

  • Change the colors for Content Assist:

    Go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts then change the colors for Basic > Content Assist background color and Basic > Content Assist foreground color (eg. foreground color: #DDD, background color: #333);

  • Change the colors for Console:

    Go to Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Console and modify the colors as you like (eg. Standard Out text color: #DDD, Background color: #333);

  • Change the colors for Javadoc:

    Go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts then change the colors for Java > Javadoc view background. Note that the foreground color cannot be changed and depends on system font color.


The font of the title of the tabs is differentEnsure that on your machine is installed Segoe Print font then open the downloaded jar package with an archive explorer, open /themes/css/moonrise-ui-standalone.css, search for any occurrencies of font-family property and change its value to Segoe Print (or what ever you prefer), then save/update the jar archive.
The size of the title of the tabs is differentEclipse does not scale it with a DPI-Aware policy. Open the jar package downloaded with a file archiver, open /themes/css/moonrise-ui-standalone.css, search for font-size property and modify its value according to your needs.
The label of the checkboxes has a color difficult to readIt's related to a SWT bug, use a system theme that has lighter font color for buttons.
The text of the buttons has a color difficult to read (MAC-OSX)It's related to a SWT bug, try this 'patched' version if you have this issue (no more needed for v0.8.4+).
After updating the plugin, it isn't loaded as expectedEclipse seems to use some sorts of internal resources caching that don't work always very well. To ensure that it's not an issue related to the new plugin version, create a new workspace and import your projects here, or try with a freshly downloaded Eclipse release.


Currently this theme uses the CSS-SWT engine introduced in the 4.2 version of the Eclipse Platform and should provide a dark style for each GUI widget that can be handled with the last version of the Eclipse SDK. This plugin has been tested with the main Eclipse Development Tool packages on Linux distributions, Windows and OSX and with the following Eclipse releases:

  • Luna (4.4)
  • Kepler (4.3.x)
  • Juno (4.2.x)

It works best with a dark system theme since currently the look of some GUI widgets cannot be overriden directly in Eclipse. The more noticeable issues related to SWT are the ScrollBar widgets, the Table headers/lines and the arrows to fold/unfold contents that cannot be styled. As minor issues there are Button background color on Windows and OSX that cannot be customized (on Windows checkboxes/radio controls do not inherit font color) and some other little bugs related to the CSS engine that makes the customizations harder and unwieldy. Aside from that, the theme currently might not look perfect on each platform, but should be fully useable on all of them. The Eclipse CSS engine is still under improvement.



This is open source software, licensed under the Eclipse Public License. See the file COPYING for details.

Install a new version of Eclipse to use with MinGW C++

Eclipse Luna Download For Mac

MinGW means Minimalist GNU for Windows: GNU is a source of open source programming tools (GNU stands for GNU is Not Unix).

Before starting this handout, you should have first downloaded the files needed by MinGW C++. Now you will download a version of Eclipse that is already set up to use MinGW.

You may want to print these instructions before proceeding, so that you can refer to them while downloading and installing MinGW and Eclipse. Or, just keep this document in your browser. You should read each step completely before performing the action that it describes.

Eclipse: Version 4.4 (Luna)

The Eclipse download requires about 200 MB of disk space; keep it on your machine, in case you need to re-install Eclipse. When installed, Eclipse requires an additional 200 MB of disk space.

Downloading Eclipse

  1. Click Eclipse

    The top of the following page will appear in your browser.

    In this handout we will download Eclipse Standard 4.4 for Windows 32 Bit (the current version is 4.5 Mars); if your computer uses Windows, continue below; otherwise look for the pull-down list showing Windows and instead choose either Mac OS X (Cocoa) or Linux and then continue below.

    It is critical that Java, MinGW, and Eclipse are either all 32 Bit or are all 64 Bit (and only if your Machine/OS supports 64 Bit): I think it easiest to use 32 Bit for everything.

  2. Click the Windows 32 Bit Operating System for your machine, under the heading Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers (the fourth selection from the top).

    You will see the following page (don't worry about the name of the institution to the right of the big downward pointing arrow).

  3. Click the big downward pointing arrow underneath the Download from: The site named here, in purple to the right of the arrow: [United States] Columbian University (http) is the random one chosen by the download page this time; yours may differ.

    This file should start downloading in your standard download folder. This file is about 200 Mb so it might take a while to download fully if you are on a slow internet connection (it took me about 5 minutes over a cable modem). Don't worry about the exact time as long as the download continues to make steady progress. In Chrome progress is shown on the bottom-left of the window, via the icon

    The file should appear as

    Terminate the window browsing the Eclipse download.

  4. Move this file to a more permanent location, so that you can install Eclipse (and reinstall it later, if necessary).
  5. Start the Installing instructions directly below.

Installing Eclipse

  1. Unzip from:, the file that you just downloaded and moved.
    On my machine (running Windows 7), I can
    • Right-click the file.
    • Hover over the IZArc command from the menu of options.
    • Click Extract Here

    If you do not have IZArc or an equivalent unzipping program, here is the web site to download a free copy of IZarc.

    Unzipping this file creates a folder named eclipseC:Program Files directory.

  2. Create a shortcut on your desktop to the eclipse.exe file in this eclipse folder:
    On most Windows machines, you can
    • Right-press the file eclipse.exe
    • Drag it to the desktop.
    • Release the right button.
    • Click Create shortcut here

    Now you are ready to perform a one-time only setup of Eclipse on your machine.

  3. Double-click the shortcut to Eclipse that you just created above.

    The following splash screen will appear

    and then a Workspace Launcher pop-up window will appear.

    In the Workspace text box, your login name should appear between C:Users and workspace, instead of Administrator.

    Leave unchecked the Use this as the default and do not ask again box. Although you will use this same workspace for the entire quarter (checking projects in and out of it), it is best to see this Workspace Launcher pop-up window each time you start Eclipse, to remind you where your workspace is located.

  4. Click OK.

    Progress bars will appear at the bottom of the spash screen as Eclipse loads.

    Eventually the Eclipse workbench will appear with a Welcome tab covering it.

  5. Terminate (click X on) the Welcome tab.

    You will not see the Welcome tab when you start Eclipse after this first time. You should now see the following Eclipse workbench.

    Notice the C/C++ words/icon appear on the top left (in the Window title-bar) and below the upper right-hand corner (beneath the tool-bar).

  6. To simplify the edit/build-recompile/run loop that we will discuss below, perform the following operation: after completing it, clicking Build or Run will automatically save the contents of any edited file before the program is rebuilt and run.
    • Select Window | Preferences.
    • In the Preferences popup window disclose General and select Workspace.
    • Click 'Save automatically before build' checkbox, as follows..
    • Click Apply.
    • In the Preferences popup window disclose Run/Debug and select Launching.
    • In the 'Save required dirty editors before launching' section click the Always radio button as follows.
    • Click Apply.
    • Click OK.
    Once you have set up these preference in a workspace on your home machine, you will never have to peform this step again.
Eclipse is now installed for C++. Start the Testing instructions directly below.

Testing Eclipse, C++, and Libraries

  1. Download the file and unzip it.
  2. Select File | Imports as shown below.
  3. Disclose General and select Existing Projects into Workspace as shown below.
  4. Click Next>
    Browse to the ics46-templates folder you downloaded and unzipped in above.
    Click the 'Copy projects into workspace' checkbox, as shown below.
  5. Click Finish. The Project Explorer window should be updated to appear as shown below.

    You can explore the courselib and googletestlib projects by disclosing/eliding their folders and subfolders. The software in these projects have already been built, so you do not need to build them here.

    The project folder should remain unchanged. Below (and in the future) you will copy/paste this project folder to create a new project folder in which to put your source files for the new project.

  6. Right-click the project icon in the Project Explorer tab and select Copy as shown below (or click project icon and use the Ctrl+c shortcut for Copy) as shown below.
  7. Right-click the project icon in the Project Explorer tab and select Paste as shown below (or use the Ctrl+v shortcut for Paste) as shown below.
  8. Rename it to be test_set as shown below

    and click OK.

  9. Disclose the test_set icon in the Project Explorer tab: it shows an src folder which should appear empty, as shown below
  10. Download and unzip
    Copy/Paste all the files in its src folder into the src folder shown in the newly created and disclosed test_set project folder.
    Copy any data files (there is one: loadset.txt) into the newly created test_set project folder.
    Disclose the src folder, which should appear as shown below
  11. Double-click the driver.cpp file in the src folder.
    In the Editor tab for the driver.cpp file select all the lines (Ctrl+a) and then uncomment them (Ctrl+/).

    The Editor tab for the driver.cpp file should show the following.

    Notice the * prefixing the driver.cpp file name: this indicates the file has been modified but not saved. You can right-click in the file and select Save, but Eclipse will do that automatically when you build a project (if you correctly followed the instructions for installing it).

  12. Either click the test_set icon in the Project Explorer tab and then click the Hammer icon ; or right-click the test_set icon in the Project Explorer tab and select Build Project. The Console window should show the following.
  13. Either right-click the test_set icon in the Project Explorer or right-click in the driver.cpp Editor tab.
    Then select Run As and 1 Local C/C++ Application.

    The Console window should show the following.

    You can use this driver interactively to test various operations on the Set data type that is implemented by an array (from courselib). When you are done testing, the q command quits/terminates this code.

  14. Comment out all the code in the Editor tab for the driver.cpp file (Ctrl+a followed by Ctrl+/).
    Double-click the test_set.cpp file in the Project Explorer tab.
    Uncomment all the code in the Editor tab for the googletest.cpp file (Ctrl+a followed by Ctrl+/).
    Compile-Build and Run this code: because we are rerunning a project that has already been compiled-built and run, we can recompile-rebuild and rerun by just clicking the Run icon (). Knowing this shortcut is useful.

    Ignore the two warning message: this code uses a for-loop counter that is not used inside the loop. When prompted, type 1000 and enter, enter, and 1000 and enter (as shown in green below).

    The Console window should show the following.

Eclipse and C++ are now working correctly with the courselib and googletestlib For subsequent quizzes/programs, you can
  • Copy/Paste the project folder in your workspace, renaming it appropriately for the current quiz/program,
  • Download and unzip the folder for the quiz/program,
  • Copy all the files in its src folder (all the .hpp and .cpp files) into the empty src folder of the new project folder; copy all .txt files into the top-level of the new project folder,
  • Compile-Build the project; often doing so requires uncommenting exactly one of the .cpp files in the src folder.
  • Run the compiled-built code.

Eclipse Ide Download

All these steps were shown above. You should never have to reimport the courselib

Eclipse Accessibility Tools Framework

or googletestlib, although I might instruct you to change some the the files in the courselib/src folder and rebuild the library: Read Updating the Course Library Instructions.