Free Stage Plot Maker
Thank you for all your hard work on this wonderful tool. But may I suggest a couple of bug fixes and possible improvements. Pscad 4.6 download crack.
1 -- In Safari, the 'Clear the Diagram' button doesn't work -- please fix!
Plague inc evolved free play. 2. -- Is it possible for each photographer to create and then store some basic set-ups as pre-sets? Not all, but many lighting set-ups I use are essentially variations of certain basic studio and location arrangements, and having these as custom presets, i.e., as starting points, with the appropriate array of lights, reflectors, etc. already there would speed diagram creation in those cases.
2. -- The green arrows that adjust the angle of objects are good -- but would be better yet if they allowed finer control of the exact angle.
3 -- The ability to scale the size of the subjects, reflectors. and other icons would be extremely useful.
I realize you've tried to provide a variety of icons to indicate large and small softboxes. But you have not yet done so for reflectors -- and I have many different size reflectors, ranging from two-inch table-top reflectors for food and product shots to a 6 x 6 foot silver/white reflector for group shots. The menu of lighting objects you've provided is already getting so crowded as to be hard to use. I suggest providing some basic icons with the ability for each user to scale them larger and smaller by clicking and dragging on a size control tab for each object, similar to the other control tools that already come with the objects
4 -- And as other have noted, the ability to add notes would be great -- but perhaps you can do that in the Photoshop version. which I haven't tried yet.
5 -- Also, I'd love it if you could select an object from the menu and then simply drag it into position onto the diagram. The way it is now: first, you have to click on the menu item; then move your cursor onto where the icon appears at upper left on diagram; and then from there move the icon into its final position. Wouldn't it be faster, easier and more efficient to simply drag it off the menu and position it in one simple movement?
6 -- Maybe it's a glitch in Safari, or maybe I just missed something obvious, but once I clicked an object's 'switch layer level' button, I sort of lost control of it and couldn't figure out how to access the different layers. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I have to go into Photoshop to get to the layers?
7. -- After I add a snoot icon to a speedlight icon, there ought to be some way to join these two icons together on the diagram so I can move move them together as one unit, and in that way can more quickly modify the diagram to reflect different positioning during a shoot. I'd also like to see individual icons for barndoors, various size grid spots, and other common modifiers I put on my speedlights and monolights
One can think of other similar icon combinations -- umbrellas with monolights, for example -- that should be join-able on the diagram. Again, this may be possible with the layer function, which I may have not understood.
In any event, thank you!
ONYX on PC and consoles, as well as ENTTEC D-Pro, Jands Vista, LightKey, and Grand MA2 and 3 all offer this functionality in their 2D views. If you need a 3D view of your lighting and the stage it’s on, then it’s time to upgrade. 3D visualizers are a ton of fun and offer the ability to get life-like lighting simulations out of your computer. Google Sketchup is 3D and pretty amazing. You can model the stage, and then move around / over the stage plot to view the audience from the stage, view the stage from the audience, side angles, etc. Free, too: Google SketchUp.
Stage Plot Template Pdf
Free Stage Plot Template
When you are preparing to perform in a show or a play one of the most important things that you must have with you is the Techrider. It is a document that will help the organizers of the show understand your requirements. They will make sure to provide you with all the facilities. In case that they are unable to meet your requirements, they will let you know. One of the biggest benefits of Techrider is that it will allow you to accommodate according to the situations. As well as it will allow you to check and finalize the setup of your stage so that you will not have to face any difficulties while performing on stage.
Although it's self-explaining to create your Technical Rider (or sometimes Stage Plot) with this free tool you can find some description below that explains exactly how to generate a Stage Plot with this generator.